1. I went on the Sepang f1 track for the first time. Full circuit. At highest speed of 240-250 km/hr. Albeit I didn't drive, it doesn't really matter because of two reasons. First reason being, how many people get to say that they've been on the track at racing speed. :) Second reason is: read the next several points to find out. :)
2. I rode in a Lamborghini Gallardo. At racing speed [see point above], on the Sepang f1 track. Driven by Dato' M****n. He owns like 20 of the most expensive cars.
3. I rode in a NSX-R. At racing speed on the Sepang f1 track. Driven by professional racer, F****z F***y. It was kinda cool how he drove. Unlike any other professional or semi-professional drivers I've ever ridden with.
4. I went on the Sepang f1 track. At racing speed. Driven by another professional racer. He races an Aston Martin and is also one of the big bosses of one of our local banks.
So those are among the reasons why I would absolutely explode if somebody asks how my weekend went. :)
On another note however, I'm quite disappointed that I didn't grab the chance to drive on the track. I was too afraid. Oh well.. Next time then. :)
P/S: The Mazda 3 Sport won. :)
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